Tag Archives: martial arts

Getting Bullies to Stay Away

As a parent, there is nothing more agonizing than knowing your child is suffering from the emotional abuse of a bully.

If you, too, were bullied as a child, you know yourself that the scars can take a lifetime to heal.

Sadly, children who are quiet, shy and unassuming tend to get bullied. For such children, it is essential that they turn their attitude around and learn the steps they must take to avoid this problem.

Martial arts schools teach children exactly how to make the bullying stop — and it doesn’t involve fighting. Along with the martial arts skills, children learn how to deflect verbal and physical confrontation through role-playing exercises and guidelines.

We clearly spell out the procedure to use in dangerous situations: When they are harassed by a bully, children need to understand there is a very specific course of action that must be taken.

Martial arts students learn how to be in control during such situations – so on the playground, bullies get the message.

Avoiding Peer Pressure

Do you worry that your child might be saying “yes” when he or she should be saying “no?”

A child needs tremendous strength and good character to avoid the dangers and temptations that young people encounter in today’s society.

If you suspect your child is in with the wrong crowd, don’t wait until it is too late to help them build the character they need. A child who is insecure today is susceptible to negative peer pressure in the future.

Martial arts provide positive experiences for children, and offers tangible goals and rewards that help them stay focused.

Having strong, positive role models – from the instructors to the higher-ranking students – helps reinforce the values parents are working to teach at home.

We call it a black-belt attitude. It is both our goal – and our code of conduct.

Fear of Failure

Is your child hesitant to try new things?

Children can view new experiences as exciting challenges – or as insurmountable barriers. It’s all in the attitude.

The fear of failure is a powerful deterrent to trying new things and gaining new skills. It contributes to feelings of low self-esteem. It is a negative barrier that must be overcome in a positive way.

If a child is easily overwhelmed, it’s important to introduce new concepts and experiences step by step.

That is a component of martial arts, building skills layer by layer. It is a gradual process of reinforcement until they reach the ultimate goal of becoming a black belt.

Along the way, they learn another vital skill, perhaps one more important than the kicks and punches.

They learn that they can tackle a new challenge – and succeed. It is a skill that will take them far in martial arts – and in life as well.

Why Self Discipline?

Why is self discipline so critical to your child’s development? Because, without the ability to use self discipline or willpower to delay gratification, your child will not develop the skills necessary to excel and to compete in an increasingly complex and competitive world.

Everything in life takes work. Teaching our children to work and achieve is an important step toward the development of these skills. Martial arts training is an excellent way to start them on the road to success.

As parents we use discipline and the setting of limits to control our children’s behavior. But if we teach them to rely on our limits instead of their own they will be ill equipped to make responsible choices.

Martial arts can help your child develop this critical self discipline and self control by teaching them to work to progress in rank until they reach the ultimate goal of achieving their black belt level.

Self discipline is the key to the development of internal motivation, a healthy competitive drive, self esteem and self sufficiency. Martial arts training can help your child to develop all of these skills and more by setting a regular and consistent framework of expectation, goals and rewards.

Martial arts schools use a team approach involving both teachers and parents to coordinate goals and support the development of behaviors that help to move your child toward self discipline and self sufficiency.

Create the Mood for Motivation

When’s the best time to get a child to comply with your instructions?

When they’re feeling happy, secure and focused, of course! That’s why our martial arts schools work hard to set a positive atmosphere. That’s how we reap such positive results.

To do this, we make sure our school is an upbeat place to be. Our instructors know that as leaders of the school, they are in the business of creating a mood for learning and being the best.

Stated very simply, we want to project a positive spirit and set the stage to make sure students are inspired to learn.

As parents, you know that being positive around your children will always make them strive to be the best.

When students and families walk in the door, we greet one another with a bow and a smile. From the moment they step foot into the school, they know they will be treated with positive encouragement.

Therefore, they do not fear being ridiculed for trying. They do not fear failure because they know they will be encouraged to keep going even when the going is tough.

By creating a positive, upbeat mood, we have found that students don’t fear trying new things, even if these things might be difficult. They know they are in a positive place.

Small Acts, Big Goals Build Confidence

It is our experience in our martial arts schools that when we start to build a child’s confidence, his or her self-assuredness builds and gains momentum.

The best way to start your child on this path upward is to start by giving him or her small, relatively attainable goals.

For example, in the beginning, we give children very easy kicking techniques to master. The first few belts in our school are relatively easy to attain.

We do not make the bar high in the beginning because we want the children to build positive momentum, to give them confidence in their ability to learn martial arts.

As they are learning techniques, they earn stripes and rewards for accomplishing their goals. As they progress, they are invited to test for their next color belt.

Parents can incorporate this principle at home by not demanding much in the beginning. Build up to it and the children will naturally be confident to take on harder challenges.

Try this: Have your child do the easiest homework assignments first. Celebrate this accomplishment. Then move on to the more difficult tasks, so they can tackle the challenges with greater confidence.

Developing The Martial Arts Code of Conduct

What is the martial arts code of conduct? The code of conduct represents a system of social skills that, when practiced along with the physical components of martial arts training, form the foundation of all martial arts.

Although the code may vary slightly from school to school there are some rules and behaviors that all students are expected to follow:

  • Behave honorably. Always treat others with respect.
  • Practice humility. Recognize that you are a member of a group sharing common goals and interests and that progress is always achieved as part of a team.
  • Never use profanity or coarse language in class. Show respect for other’s beliefs and opinions.
  • Always exercise self-control. Never lose your temper or react in anger.
  • Set a good example. Your behavior always sets an example for those students in lower ranks.
  • Practice cleanliness and order. The condition of your school is a reflection of its students, be proud of your reflection.
  • Always listen attentively to the instructor. Raise your hand if you have a question and wait patiently for the answer.
  • Come early to class. It is always a good idea to give yourself extra time. Prompt and regular attendance shows respect to your instructor and fellow students.
  • Remember that your actions outside the school reflect its character and spirit. You are an ambassador of your school. Always behave appropriately with good manners and respect.

Finally, the most important thing to remember when we refer to the martial arts code of conduct is that they are guidelines designed to help your child to learn and grow in a safe, positive, and fun environment where the emphasis is on the development of good character, self-esteem and physical fitness.

What Are Martial Arts Values?

When we talk about teaching martial arts values we are referring to the traditional values of respect, honor, integrity, loyalty and the development of other personal attributes such as humility, maturity, a disciplined character and inner peace.These are the elements that combine to form a solid foundation from which to build the character of a successful martial arts student and shape their view of the world around them. Children who participate in a martial arts training program also tend to demonstrate the characteristics of good citizenship and appropriate judgment in confrontational situations.

However, while children do develop these values as a result of martial arts training, it’s not really necessary for them to begin with an understanding of what they are or of the methods used to develop them. Because martial arts classes are so much fun often children don’t realize that they are gaining good values.
These are values that you can demonstrate and reinforce as a parent by modeling them in your own life. One very effective way to accomplish this is by attending martial arts training classes with your child or as a family.
Every member of the family can benefit from the development of a positive atmosphere in which to reinforce the physical, emotional and spiritual values available through martial arts training. Individuals trained in martial arts experience increased confidence, are better at being organized and have a better attention span.
Consider enrolling your whole family in a free introductory martial arts training class and encourage each family member to develop these values and reach out to achieve their greatest potential.