Why Parents of Children with ADHD Should Consider Martial Arts

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common condition that affects children worldwide. Children with ADHD may struggle with hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention, which can cause challenges in various aspects of their lives, including their academic performance, social interactions, and emotional well-being. While there are various treatments and therapies available for ADHD, one activity that has gained notoriety in recent years is martial arts.

Martial arts is more than just a physical activity; it is a holistic approach that emphasizes mental and emotional development as much as physical fitness. This approach is particularly beneficial for children with ADHD as it addresses the specific challenges they face and provides a framework for developing self-discipline, focus, and confidence.

In this post, we will explore the value of martial arts for children with ADHD and how it can help them manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Developing self-discipline

One of the primary benefits of martial arts for children with ADHD is the development of self-discipline. Martial arts requires children to follow a strict set of rules and guidelines, such as bowing before entering the training area, addressing their instructors with respect, and adhering to a specific training schedule. This structure provides a framework for children with ADHD to learn self-discipline and self-control, which can be challenging for them due to their impulsivity.

Martial arts also teaches children the importance of perseverance and hard work. Children with ADHD may struggle with tasks that require sustained effort and focus, but martial arts training provides a safe and supportive environment to practice these skills. Through regular training and practice, children with ADHD can develop the habits they need to be successful in their day-to-day lives.

Improving focus and attention

Another significant benefit of martial arts for children with ADHD is the improvement of focus and attention. Martial arts training requires a high level of concentration and attention to detail, which can help children with ADHD improve their ability to focus and stay on task. In addition, martial arts techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises can help children with ADHD learn to calm their minds and improve their ability to concentrate.

Martial arts instructors often use games and exercises that require children to focus on a specific task or goal. These activities can be particularly beneficial for children with ADHD, as they provide a fun and engaging way to practice focus and attention skills. Over time, children with ADHD can transfer these skills to other areas of their lives, such as schoolwork and social interactions.

Building self-confidence

Many children with ADHD struggle with low self-esteem and self-confidence due to their inability to transfer whats in their head into action. Martial arts training can help children with ADHD build self-confidence by providing a safe and supportive environment to develop their skills and abilities. As children progress in their martial arts training, they can earn belts and other awards, which can boost their self-esteem and provide a sense of accomplishment.

Martial arts training also teaches children to respect themselves and others. Children with ADHD may struggle with social interactions and may find it challenging to build positive relationships with their peers. Martial arts training provides opportunities for children to interact with others in a supportive and structured environment, which can help them develop social skills and build positive relationships.

Reducing stress and anxiety

Martial arts training can also help children with ADHD reduce stress and anxiety. Children with ADHD may struggle with managing their emotions and may experience high levels of stress and anxiety. Martial arts training provides a safe and structured environment to release stress and tension through physical activity. In addition, martial arts techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises can help children with ADHD learn to manage their emotions and reduce feelings of anxiety.

Promoting physical fitness

Finally, martial arts training is an excellent way for children with ADHD to improve their physical fitness. Children with ADHD may struggle with sedentary lifestyles due to difficulties with impulse control and focus. Martial arts provides a fun and engaging way for children to get active and improve their overall fitness levels. The physical activity involved in martial arts can also help children with ADHD release excess energy and improve their ability to focus.

Martial arts training can also improve coordination and balance, which can be challenging for some children with ADHD. Improved coordination and balance can lead to better performance in other activities, such as sports or dance, and can improve overall quality of life.

Choosing the right martial art

For children with ADHD, martial arts that focus on structure, discipline, and mental focus is very important. Martial arts like karate, taekwondo, or judo provide this. 

In addition to finding the right martial art, it’s important to remember that martial arts should be just one part of a comprehensive treatment plan for children with ADHD. Other treatments, such as medication, therapy, and behavioral interventions, may also be necessary to help children with ADHD manage their symptoms.

In conclusion, martial arts can be an incredibly beneficial activity for children with ADHD. Through martial arts training, children can develop self-discipline, focus, and confidence, improve their physical fitness, and reduce stress and anxiety. Martial arts also provides a safe and supportive environment for children to interact with others and develop social skills.

Martial arts should be part of a comprehensive treatment plan for ADHD and should be tailored to your child’s individual needs and interests. With the right approach, martial arts can be an incredibly positive and life-changing experience for children with ADHD.

The post Why Parents of Children with ADHD Should Consider Martial Arts appeared first on Better Kids Institute.

Discipline Mistakes Parents Make

Although almost every parent wants great kids, many parents aren’t sure how to get there. Here are three of the most common child discipline mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Treating children like pets, not people

Starting in the womb, the entire journey of having children is often viewed as a fun new venture for parents, with a completely parent-centered approach to the process that forms a shaky foundation for future discipline.

What makes this outlook so damaging is that it makes it unlikely that parents will do the uncomfortable things required in disciplining happy, well-rounded children. If the parent is unwilling to take the time to teach the child the unpleasant lesson that “Mommy’s voice can’t be ignored,” the child is left to the luck of the draw as he or she darts out into the parking lot as a toddler, or when he or she begins associating with questionable characters after school in junior high.

2. Lack of foresight

By ignoring negative behaviors when a child is small and could be easily taught lessons like “Don’t lie to Mommy” or “We don’t steal candy,” those bad habits can become ingrained.

Instead of laughing off the cute antics of adorable little bold-faced liars, wise parents will envision the same children performing the same acts in 10 or 12 years. If a 3-year-old’s lie seems funny, the parent should hold back the smile and visualize the same child at 15, then an accomplished liar.

Instead of indulging the cherub who refuses vegetables and demands only sweets, parents should picture the same child as an overweight, self-conscious 16-year-old. What can be done today to make his or her life easier then?

3. Assuming discipline = punishment

As health is more than medicine, discipline is more than punishment. Yes, punishment has its place, as does medicine. Still, optimal health means that medicine will rarely be necessary, just as wise discipline causes punishment to be a rare occurrence.

Discipline means “the process of making a disciple.” That process involves a huge host of factors, only one of which is punishment. Other equally vital components of discipline include teaching honesty, respect, reverence, work ethic, health and scheduling.

When parents ignore these other important facets of discipline, their over-emphasis on punishment can send children the unspeakably damaging message that they aren’t loved, which only exacerbates the problem.

Punishment takes discipline, but discipline is more than punishment.

Great Healthy Snacks for Kids

Finding great healthy snacks for kids is an ongoing challenge for every parent. With busy schedules, fixed grocery budgets and the discerning palates of children, making healthy choices is a process often pushed aside. Fortunately, parents and kids can work together to choose healthy options that are affordable and easy to find in the grocery store.


Snacks with Cheese

Adding protein such as cheese to a child’s snack helps the child to feel full while preventing the sugar high that sends kids bouncing off the walls. Most kids enjoy mild flavored medium-hard cheeses such as cheddar, Monterey Jack and Colby. Some snacks to try with cheese include:

•Cheese paired with whole-grain crackers
•Cheese and fruit kabobs
•Quesadillas with cheese, refried black beans and salsa for dipping
•Pinwheels made with a tortilla, cheese, and hummus or meat, rolled up and sliced into rounds
•Cheese flowers, which are cheese shapes cut out with cookie cutters and put onto pretzel stick “stems”


Peanut Butter

So long as a child is not allergic to nuts, peanut butter is an affordable, filling and easy option for many different snacks. Some creative options include:

•Spread on celery and line with raisins for “ants on a log”
•Spread onto tortillas and drizzle with honey for an alternative to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
•Use as a spread on mini waffles or rice cakes



Yogurt contains live active cultures that can help kids who are prone to belly aches. With so many styles of yogurt, including Greek yogurt, fruit-filled yogurt and mousse-style yogurt, there’s sure to be a flavor to please even the pickiest eaters. Parents can serve yogurt as a snack in these ways:

•Mixed with pureed fruit and frozen into popsicles
•Made into a parfait with layers of fresh fruit and granola
•Mixed with frozen fruit and almond milk or apple juice as a smoothie



Sweet fresh fruit is a staple in the homes of many families. To keep this snack affordable, stick with seasonal fruits such as apples in the fall, oranges in winter and strawberries in the summer. Some creative ways to serve fruit to children include:

•Mixed into oatmeal
•Added to cold cereal
•Cut and ready for dipping into yogurt

These great healthy snacks for kids are quick to make. They are also easy to bring while on the go, just put them into a reusable lunch sack.


Ways to Help Prevent Childhood Obesity

Obesity has become a major health problem over the past few decades. While losing weight and getting healthy is difficult for adults, the problem is even more challenging when talking about childhood obesity.

No person ever wants to be overweight, but unhealthful eating choices and too little exercise are firmly ingrained habits that are difficult to change. Some of the blame can be placed on parents who do not understand the health risks of obesity, but more often children gain weight because their parents lead a busy life and choose convenience foods over healthful foods.


Combating Childhood Obesity


Stock the Kitchen with Healthful Foodsavoid childhood obesity

While most kids will gravitate toward snacks with too much sugar, fat and salt, they will enjoy more nutritious fruits and nuts just as much. It is important to limit between meal snacks so the children will be interested in eating the healthful meals that are served.

It is also important that parents limit serving sizes and make sure children are eating a balanced diet.


Limit or Eliminate Soda and Sweetened Drinks

There is a high concentration of sugar in soda and sweetened beverages. Children should drink an adequate amount of water in addition to milk and natural fruit juices to get the nutrients they need while avoiding the sugars that can contribute to childhood obesity.

Parents should not keep any beverages containing artificial sweeteners in their home because they are also unhealthful.


Encourage Physical Activity in Children

Young children have a natural tendency to run and play, but too much exposure to electronic devices such as computers and television can make electronic entertainment more tempting as they grow older.

Parents who are busy working and maintaining a home may appreciate the peace and quiet in their home while the kids are watching TV or playing computer games, but these activities must be limited.

Unfortunately, it is not always safe to allow kids outside to play with their friends, so parents should make it a point to get out with them and enjoy physical activities together.

Parents must make healthful food and lifestyle choices for their children, and most of them will when they realize the importance of good health for their kids.

The incidence of childhood obesity, diabetes and the development of heart disease can be greatly reduced when parents are able to help their children maintain a healthy weight. Obese children also suffer from poor self-esteem, and this can limit their outlook for a positive future and fulfilled life.


How to Respond to Verbal Bullying

Verbal bullying is an all too common event that children face both in and out of school.

This situation happens most commonly in school but it can also happen outside of school hours at sports events, parties and other areas where teens congregate.

Knowing what to do and how to respond to verbal bullying is something that all teens, children and parents must learn.

Leave the Situation

Whenever possible, someone who is being verbally bullied should leave the situation if it is possible to do so safely. Leaving the area before the situation escalates can help to avoid serious physical injury.

Walking away without saying a word may sometimes be the best way to respond to verbal bullying.

Preparing to Respond

When walking away from the bullying is not possible, teens may need to come up with a verbal response to the bully. Strategizing about what to say to the bully can help things go as smoothly as possible. Having a plan can help a teen prevent overreactions and can lead to enhanced self-confidence.

Practicing ahead of time can help a teen when such a situation arises.

The Response

Maintaining a steady voice, making eye contact with the bully and speaking in a confident way are essentials for a good response to verbal bullying. Teens can try to diffuse the situation by using these types of responses:

  • Fogging. This is done to confuse the bully. Fogging responses include a single word or just a few words that are neutral or positive. Examples of fogging responses to a bully include “so?”, “who cares?” and “maybe.”
  • Agreeing statements. These statements confirm the facts regarding the verbal bullying. An example of an agreeing statement is, “Yes, you’re right.”
  • Comeback lines. These responses are meant to stump the bully and make him or her think twice about his or her actions. Comeback lines may include statements such as, “whatever you say.”

Responses to verbal bullying should not try to incite anger or escalate the situation. Using a comeback line can be tricky; this type of response requires careful practice and assessment of the situation to ensure that the situation does not worsen.

Verbal Bullying: What it is and how to stop it

Verbal bullying is a serious issue that many children and teenagers face. In order to put a stop to this type of abuse, parents, teachers and members of the community must first understand what it is.

Once a verbal bullying situation is recognized, a variety of strategies can be used to stop it before the situation worsens.

What Verbal Bullying Is

Verbal bullying is most often committed by girls. It may consist of rumor spreading, using words that demean or degrade the victim or using words that cause social exclusion.

It may also be done as a way to dominate others. This type of bullying is just as damaging as physical bullying and can lead to serious effects for the victim, including an increased risk of suicide.

Ways Kids Can Stop Verbal Bullying

There are several responses and actions that kids can take that may help to put an end to verbal bullying. Some things to try include:

  • Using neutral statements. Responding to a bully’s verbal assaults with neutral comments such as “possibly” or “maybe so” indicates to the bully that he or she isn’t going to get a big reaction from the victim.
  • Using positive or agreeing statements. Examples of these include “who cares?” or “Yes, you’re right.”
  • Remaining civil. Don’t sink to the level of the bully. Doing so may escalate the situation.
  • Telling an authority figure. Bullying that interferes with a child’s social life, confidence, well-being and mental or physical health must be reported to an authority figure as soon as possible. An authority figure may be someone like a teacher, school counselor, school nurse, playground aide, tutor or parent.

Once a parent, teacher or another authority figure is made aware of a verbal bullying situation, action must be taken. An authority figure may be able to physically separate the bully from his or her victim.

The authority figure may be able to increase awareness of the effects of bullying and help others to identify such behaviors in the classroom, cafeteria and other places.

Adults can also help to diffuse the situation by determining what the motivating factors behind the bully’s behaviors are.


Winter Activities For Kids

Between the cold temperatures and the snow and ice outside, it’s no surprise that so many kids would rather stay inside with a video game or the television. The more time that those children spend inside inactive and snacking, the more likely it is that they will gain weight.

Parents and educators can look for some creative winter activities during those long winter months to keep kids healthy and moving.


Use Nearby Facilities

Many parents may not consider taking advantage of nearby recreation centers and other facilities that kids can use in winter.

An ice skating rink is a good way for kids to have fun and get plenty of exercise. They can have fun learning the basics of balancing while moving across the ice.

If the city has a branch of the YMCA, kids can also use the facilities there. Most locations have indoor racquetball, tennis and basketball courts as well as swimming pools.


Embrace the Cold

Instead of shunning the cold and staying inside, parents can encourage their kids to embrace the cold weather outside. Nothing beats the fun and excitement that comes from a snowball fight, and adults can turn a simple snowball fight into a game of capture the flag.

Kids may also love building a snowman family together and decorating those figures with their friends or siblings.


Take Classes

Kids who hate the idea of going outside in the snow and ice might like the idea of taking an indoor class with other kids in their age group. This helps them see that they can still have fun when the temperature drops.

An indoor swimming class is a good choice for kids who want to learn something new or who love the water. Other activities that are suitable for keeping kids active in the long winter months include gymnastics and karate classes.


Do Chores Together

Children often learn by example. If they see their parents remaining active, they’ll want to stay active, too. Doing chores together is one of the easiest ways for parents to set a good example for their kids.

This can include doing the dishes, vacuuming or even rearranging the furniture in the room. Parents and kids can also shovel the walk and clean off the family cars together as some examples of helpful winter activities.

It doesn’t take a lot to get kids active, but it does require the involvement of adults.


2014 Bullying Statistics Recently Revealed

With the prevalence of technology, today’s bullying not only includes in-person threats and physical violence but also the online world of cyber bullying. The most recent 2014 bullying statistics may shock parents, educators and the community due to the widespread prevalence of this sometimes deadly behavior.


The Who and Where of Bullying

According to a study by UCLA, 20 percent of students in grades 9 through 12 have experienced bullying, as have 28 percent of students in grades 6 through 12. Most bullying behaviors take place in the classroom.

This is where 29.3 percent of those who were bullied experienced the event. Other common places where bullying occurs include in the hallways and locker areas, where 29.0 percent experienced bullying; 23.4 percent were bullied in the cafeteria; 19.5 percent were bullied in gym class and 12.2 percent were bullied in the bathroom.


bullying_1Types of Bullying

The most common type of bullying behavior in schools is name calling. This is followed by teasing, rumor spreading, physical assaults, isolation, threats, stealing and sexual harassment.

Although cyber bullying was the least common type of bullying, it does deserve special attention because of its reach. Rather than a few people witnessing an in-person bullying event, cyber bullying can attract the attention of hundreds or even thousands of witnesses and the event can persist on the Internet for years.


Bullying Targets

Anyone who is different makes an easy target for bullying. More than 90 percent of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth experience bullying.

Students with Asperger’s syndrome and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder are also common targets of bullies. Students who are overweight, have a striking physical feature or dress differently than their peers may also find themselves the targets of bullies.

Of those who are bullied, only 20 to 30 percent report the events to teachers, parents or school counselors.


Witnesses of Bullying

Bullying affects the entire school. More than 70 percent of students in grades 6 through 12 have witnessed bullying. When someone intervenes within ten seconds of a bullying event, the bullying stops more than 57 percent of the time.

Parents, teachers and the community can come together to change these bullying statistics for the better. When adults demonstrate cooperation and setting good examples, children in turn will follow these positive behaviors. It will take time, but it can happen.

Armed with the 2014 bullying statistics, parents and educators can see what they need to look out for in order to put a stop to bullying.


Tips for Talking to Your Kids about Bullying

Today’s parents don’t have to look very far to find examples of bullying. It seems as if stories of bullying can be read about in the newspaper or seen on TV almost every day.

However, the subject of bullying can be challenging to approach with children. Whether a child is in preschool or a senior in high school, parents want to ensure that their kids are safe and confident enough to stand up to bullies. These simple tips can make having the conversation about bullying a little easier.


Define Bullying

When parents try to talk to young children about bullying, many kids might not even understand what that word actually means. Other children believe that harassment needs to be physical before it can be classified as bullying.

If parents want to open the lines of communication about bullying, it’s important for kids to understand what all is incorporated into that term. Bullying can consist of:

• Repeated verbal insults
• Continuing threats
• Physical actions like pushing, hitting or kicking
• Social manipulation such as purposeful exclusion or spreading rumors
• Cyberbullying through texts, websites or social media
• Other repeated activities that make a student feel threatened and unsafe

Ask the Right Questions

It’s usually not easy for children and teens to talk about bullying with their parents. Bullying can make students feel helpless, so they might not feel comfortable asking for assistance from parents or teachers.

Asking the right questions can be integral in helping students be honest about what’s happening. Instead of asking them if they are being bullied, try asking “What’s the best thing that happened to you at school today?”, “What’s the worst thing that happened to you at school today?” or “Who do you sit with at lunch time and play with at recess?”

The answers to these questions can provide helpful insights into a student’s day to day life at school.


Keep Communication Open

Even if a child isn’t being bullied currently, his situation could change drastically next week.

That’s one of the many reasons why it’s so important for parents to keep the lines of communication open with their children. Every conversation doesn’t need to be serious and teaching major life lessons.

When kids and teens feel comfortable sharing the little details of their days with their parents, they will be more apt to come to their parents when larger issues like bullying arise.

What is Bystander Mobilization?


Bullying and harassment among children and teens have become a hot-button issue in contemporary society as a rash of suicides have swept the country. The victims may feel like they have nowhere to turn and act out by harming themselves.

In response to this crisis, an emerging practice that empowers other students to put an end to bullying has started gaining traction. While bystander mobilization might be encouraged by teachers and other adult authority figures, the ability to put a stop to bullying is left in the hands of the students.


The Bystander Effect

Students often feel powerless to stop a peer who they witness bullying others. In the moment, they may fear that speaking up will turn the bully’s attention on them. As such, they don’t take any action, especially if there are other students watching the bullying occur.

This is referred to as the “bystander effect,” in which people do not go out of their way to help others in distress when there are other witnesses to an event. In instances of bullying, bystanders – especially children – don’t want to get involved and single themselves out.

Afterward, they may feel upset, stressed or guilty over what happened, even if they were only watching what was going on.


Bystander Mobilization

Bystander mobilization is a way of turning that weakness into a form of strength. It asks witnesses to call out the bully and his or her behavior during the act itself, whether it’s taking place in front of them, down the hall or even online.

The child is encouraged to address the victim and make sure that they are all right, while also pointing out that the actions of the bully are wrong to other children watching. In some instances, they may encourage other bystanders to leave so that the bully doesn’t have an audience and thus the attention they crave.

When one person speaks out, it becomes easier for others watching to speak out against the bully.


Bystander Mobilization – it takes courage and ethics

Stepping forward and showing a bully that their behavior is damaging and dangerous takes courage, but it can be immensely rewarding for children of all ages. By addressing the act of bullying in the moment, they can help de-escalate and stop harassment before it causes long-term physical or psychological harm.

Bystander mobilization can also give children and teens greater experience with confidence and empathy, making it less likely that they will simply ignore bullying that they witness in the future.


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