child discipline, child safety

Should You Track Your Kids Via GPS?

Jamie Tryon, guest contributor

Keeping your kids safe is a full time job. Many parents are stretched thin due to working full time while taking care of the household and shuttling kids from activity to activity. With a busy home life, parents sometimes let their kids have freedoms at an early age, like walking to school or finding a ride from a friend’s parent to go somewhere. With these additional freedoms, it makes it even more important that the parent stay on top of what their kids are doing and where they are going. This is why tracking their kids via GPS may be the answer.

See where they go

GPS tracking helps parents to know in real time where exactly their children are at every moment of the day. This gives the parents a sense of relief knowing the child is safe – whether it be in school, in the playground or at a friend’s house. In this day and age when children are being taken advantage of by predators and kidnappings happen frequently, the whereabouts of your child is important. In case of an emergency such as an accident or kidnapping parents can react immediately, without losing precious time.

Are they where they said they’d be?

When it comes to GPS tracking of teenagers, parents are more concerned if the teen is where they say they are.  Most teens will tell their parents where they are going, however, some of the rebellious ones may skip school or lie to their parents about their whereabouts. Teenagers like to think they are grown up and long for the freedoms of adulthood. Parents must balance freedom with responsibility. With cell phone tracking software they know where their children are without being too restrictive.

There are several types of tracking devices available, the most popular and easy to implement is a cell phone tracking software. Most older kids and teens will have a cell phone anyways, so all you will need to do is install the cell phone tracking software. They are more likely to have the phone on them at all times so they can reach and be reached by their friends.

Combine GPS with other tools

Cell phone tracking software not only shows the location that your kids are at, but it also allows you to  track other things like how much time they are spending online, who they are text messaging, what pictures they are taking and much more. As a parent, this information can be handy when you are addressing behavioural issues or red flags that are popping up in their actions. Teens aren’t always forthcoming with their parents, so finding information out without them knowing may be the only option you may have.

Raising kids this day and age can be challenging, but just think about all of the tools that we have now that our parent’s didn’t have. We have GPS, cell phone tracking software and other technologies that didn’t exist when we were kids. Despite what your kids may think, there is nothing wrong with using these technologies to keep your children safe. It’s your job as a parent to do so.


Jamie Tryon is a mobile device sales person and a mom of two. When not working or chasing after her kids, she contributes to the blog at Sniper Spy, a cell phone tracking software.